Gentle, natural, family-focused
chiropractic, with emphasis on
sports and orthopedic care


    Chiropractic care is the method of natural healing preferred by those seeking complementary and alternative health care for chronic and acute conditions.

    Many factors can affect your health, including exercise, sleep, nutrition, environment and heredity. Our chiropractic methods focus on maintaining your health naturally, helping your body resist disease, not just treating the symptoms of disease.

    While you may first visit us to relieve lower back pain, or to treat headache, sciatica, neck pain, or whiplash, you'll find that we view you as a whole person and not just the sum of your parts. We are your partner in ensuring optimal health and wellness.



    Dr. Brian White is Clinic Director and owner of Midway Chiropractic, a family practice that treats patients of all ages. He is a Chiropractic Physician and Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner who focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and management of neuromusculoskeletal disorders.

    Dr. White received his bachelor of sciences at the University of California, San Diego and was a 2005 summa cum laude graduate from Southern California University of Health Sciences where he received his degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine.

    An athlete through much of his life, Dr. White specializes in treating athletes, those who lead active lifestyles and the weekend warrior. He also supports community athletes through his involvement in providing treatment at local sporting events. He is active in local community business organizations, and is a standout personality, well-liked by his cohorts and colleagues.

    Dr. White has been practicing and proudly serving the families and athletes of the Peninsula and surrounding San Diego communities since 2008.

    Certifications and Training:

    ■ Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner

    ■ Kinesio Tape trained

    ■ Graston Technique trained

    ■ Myofascial Release Therapy trained

    ■ Thompson Drop Table and Activator trained

    ■ Basic First Aide Certified

    ■ CPR Certified


    When you visit us, you'll be evaluated using methods which include consultation, case history, physical examination, laboratory analysis and X-ray examination. In addition, you will receive a careful chiropractic structural examination, with particular attention paid to the spine.

    Many different techniques are used to locate, understand and gently correct vertebral misalignments (subluxations) in the spine. Dr. White may use manual adjustment, electrical muscular stimulation, ultrasound or massage, but never pharmaceutical drugs or invasive surgery.

    Chiropractic care is a natural method of healing that stimulates the body to work more effectively. By initiating, controlling and coordinating the various functions of the cells, organs and systems of the body, our methods improve your overall health.


    Free Consultation


    The fastest and easiest way to schedule your appointment with the doctor is to contact our office at the number below.

    One of our staff members will promptly schedule you with a convenient time to see Dr. White.

    Please don't delay as the majority of health conditions tend to worsen or
    recur without the appropriate care.
    Call Us:  619-224-5371


    We are located in the Sports Arena area of Point Loma, just off Midway Drive near both the 8 and 5 freeways, at 3405 Kenyon Street, Suite 206. Call us at 619-224-5371.

    Office Hours —


         8am-12:30pm, and 2pm-5:30pm

    Wednesday: 2pm to 5:30pm

    Weekends: Closed

    Walk-Ins are Welcome.

    Special arrangements may be made for early morning and evening appointments.